CVN’s Top 10 Most Impressive Plaintiff Verdicts of 2018

Claggett & Sykes Law Firm has been listed on Courtroom View Network’s Top 10 Most Impressive Plaintiff Verdicts list of 2018. The verdict chosen was from the lawsuit, Carl Thomspson v. Lamplight Village Homeowners Association. The verdict won for the client was $20 Million, beating the HOA’s original $125k settlement offer. The plaintiff attorneys were Sean Claggett and Samuel Harding.

The lawsuit involved a teenager who suffered a traumatic brain injury after a swing set metal broke and landed on his head. The plaintiff sued the HOA back in 2014, claiming his head injuries caused persistent headaches, problems moving, memory loss and increased his risk of developing dementia. The plaintiff also accused the HOA of failing to properly inspect and maintain its playground.

According to CVN, our verdict was chosen due to it’s high amount. $20 Million in Nevada state court, including $10 Million in punitive damages. CVN says this could cause HOA’s across the country to reconsider the way they maintain playgrounds. This verdict was also chosen because it surpassed the HOA’s settlement offer by millions of dollars. Sean Claggett also said this verdict was only based on pain and suffering, he did not present the jury with any lost future earning capacity, making this care a rarity for him.

You can watch video of the entire trial on CVN’s website: