How Brain Injuries Are Diagnosed

According to the CDC, it is estimated that 1.5 million Americans sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of hospitalization for TBIs. When someone has been in a motor vehicle collision, or in an incident where there has been contact to the head or a whiplash-type event,…

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Car Accidents and Traumatic Brain Injuries

For some people, being able to drive is one of the most exhilarating experiences ever. There is no better feeling than having the ability to go wherever you want to go, whenever you want to go. However, that freedom of independence comes with a price. For many people, that price is paid everyday by sharing…

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Can Anesthesia Malpractice Cause Brain Damage?

Anesthesia is a vital part of modern medical treatment, allowing patients to undergo complex surgical procedures that would be otherwise too painful to endure. Anesthesia comes in many forms, but essentially all forms of anesthesia exist to dull pain sensations and lull a patient into an unconscious state so he or she can safely receive…

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What to Expect from a Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are some of the most serious injuries a person can suffer. These injuries also have unpredictable effects; no two brain injury cases are the same and two people who suffer similar TBIs will likely have vastly different experiences when it comes to the severity of their symptoms, how long those symptoms…

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Difference Between a Serious and a Mild Brain Injury

The brain can sustain many different types of injuries, with a wide variety of accompanying symptoms. It is a complex organ with unpredictable reactions to damage. Doctors categorize brain injuries based on their severity for a better idea of how they may affect a victim. A mild brain injury may have symptoms that dissipate in…

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Could a Head Injury Cause Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that progressively attacks the brain’s ability to manage memory, behavior, and thinking. People who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease may develop symptoms including memory loss, disorientation, difficulty retaining new information, mood swings, personality changes, behavioral changes, and a host of other possibilities. Many medical conditions and external factors can…

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Age Differences Influence Concussion Impact

Concussions are one of the most commonly reported traumatic brain injuries in the United States. These injuries are often the result of motor vehicle accidents and sports-related incidents, and every person who sustains a concussion will have unique symptoms and experiences. Concussions also affect people of different ages in different ways. It’s crucial for everyone…

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How a Traumatic Brain Injury Can Lead to Suicide Risk

Traumatic brain injuries can occur in many different types of accidents, and these damages often leave victims with lifelong effects. Both physical and cognitive impairment are potential risks, both of which can contribute to high levels of stress for these patients. Many TBI victims find themselves experiencing mental health conditions, including an increased risk for…

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