Sean Claggett Named a “Titan of Trial” by Trial Lawyers University
Trial Lawyers University, which runs webinars and seminars across the country for trial lawyers, has selected Sean Claggett as one of its inaugural “Titans of Trial” in 2022. Sean is one of only six attorneys to be given this honor.
Trial Lawyers University was created to help trial lawyers hone their craft. The seminars feature panels and presentations by some of the most successful trial attorneys in the country. “Titans of Trial” are lawyers who have not only won a significant number of cases, but have also made and kept commitments to teaching and giving back to the community of trial lawyers.
We invite you to watch Sean’s video interview here.
Anatomy of a trial – and a trial lawyer
If a jury trial is a performance of sorts, then trial preparation is a multi-step rehearsal. Complex litigation begins with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of documents. Reviewing, writing, collating, and corroborating police reports, financial statements, witness accounts, and medical records takes a team effort. This is the unseen background of every attorney’s day – putting the pieces together in an order that shows what happened and why.
From the initial filings through depositions and discovery, we learn the rhythms of the case like an actor learns their lines and blocking. Claggett & Sykes may run more than a dozen focus groups on a case, seeing what works and what doesn’t, and how people react to certain lines of argument. We us state-of-the-art technology to create visuals displays, including animations and 3D renderings (called “demonstratives”), for our mock juries to review and assess to determine the usefulness for trial.
While all of this is underway, we spend time with our clients, helping them prepare for their own role in the trial. We get to know them, their families, and their goals – and just what they have lost as a result of their injuries. Anyone can list out losses on paper, but the bond we develop with our clients over the months (and even years) of working on their case is genuine and honest, and it reminds us every day why we do what we do.
Once all the preparation is complete, the fun begins:
- Voir dire, or jury selection
- Opening statements
- Presentation of evidence and witnesses
- Cross-examination of the defense
- Closing statements, complete with video clips of witnesses
After that, it’s up the jury to do the right thing.
A good trial lawyer is one who takes and (mostly) wins cases. A great trial lawyer is one who understands how every step of the process contributes to a successful end. Sean Claggett’s dedication to the study and craft of litigation is recognized throughout the country. That is why we are so proud that he has been recognized as a “Titan of Trial.”
Claggett & Sykes maintains offices in Las Vegas and Reno, and serves the injured throughout Nevada. For more information about partnering with our firm, or to schedule a free consultation with an experienced injury attorney, please fill out our contact form or call us: 702-333-7777 in Las Vegas, and 775-322-2923 in Reno.
We are not simply a personal injury firm. We are trial lawyers who take on catastrophic injury, brain injury, and wrongful death cases. These cases are different than most personal injury cases and the needs of these cases cannot be met by law firms that take on just any case.
Read more about Claggett & Sykes Law Firm