Despite the Warm Weather, Winter IS Coming. Better Be Prepared

Reno is a great spot to visit or live year-round. If you’ve lived here a while, you’re likely used to winter conditions. If you’re visiting or new to the area, living in the cold and snow may be something new. Whether you’re a longtime Renoite or new to the area, it’s important to be prepared for the types of hazards winter weather can cause.

 This past winter was the coldest one in 15 years. We don’t know if this we’ll see anything close this winter, but it’s important to start preparing now for the cold. Changes in weather and temperature can introduce a host of dangers that affect both road safety and outdoor activities.

Potential hazards associated with colder weather include:

  • Icy roads. When temperatures drop, any moisture on the road can freeze, leading to icy road conditions. This ice reduces traction, making it difficult for vehicles to stop or turn safely, increasing the risk of accidents. A particularly dangerous form of ice, known as black ice, is nearly transparent and often hard to see. It forms on roads during cold snaps and poses a significant hazard to drivers, as it can lead to sudden loss of control.
  • Reduced visibility. Snowfall and freezing rain can reduce visibility, making it challenging for drivers to see road signs, other vehicles, or pedestrians. Fog is another visibility hazard during cold weather.
  • Snow accumulation. Accumulating snow on the roads can make driving treacherous. Snowplows may not have cleared the roads yet, and heavy snowfall can create deep drifts and slippery conditions.
  • Unsafe walkways. Sidewalks and walkways can become icy and slippery, increasing the risk of slips and falls for pedestrians.
  • Exposure. Being stuck outside during cold weather without adequate clothing or shelter can lead to hypothermia and frostbite, both of which can be life-threatening. Extreme cold can also lead to power outages, leaving individuals without heat.
  • Vehicle breakdowns. Cold weather can strain vehicle components, leading to breakdowns. Stranded motorists may face discomfort, health risks, and the need for assistance.
  • Property damage. Cold weather can result in property damage, such as frozen or burst pipes, roof collapses due to heavy snow, or damage from ice dams. These issues pose financial and safety risks to homeowners and businesses.

Tips to help you keep safe and warm this winter

Knowing the dangers that you face in the winter is the first step. The next step is to prepare. Here are some tips that can help you to prepare for a cold winter:

  • Home
    • Insulate pipes. Insulate exposed water pipes to prevent freezing and potential bursting. This is especially important for pipes in unheated areas like the basement or garage.
    • Seal gaps. Seal any gaps or cracks in doors and windows to keep cold air out and warm air in. Weatherstripping and caulk are effective tools for this.
    • Maintain heating system. Schedule a professional check-up for your heating system before winter. Replace filters regularly and ensure your thermostat is working correctly.
    • Keep faucets dripping. On very cold nights, let faucets drip slightly to keep water flowing and reduce the risk of frozen pipes.
    • Winterize your garden. Trim trees and bushes away from your home to prevent damage from falling branches. Remove leaves from gutters to prevent ice dams.
    • Shovel and salt your walkways and sidewalks. Clearing snow and applying salt helps prevent slips and falls, reducing the risk of injuries for both residents and passersby. It also promotes accessibility and ease of movement, allowing for safe passage during icy and snowy conditions.
  • Car
    • Winter tires. Consider switching to winter or snow tires, especially if you live in an area with heavy snowfall. They provide better traction.
    • Check fluids. Ensure your car has the appropriate levels of antifreeze, oil, and windshield washer fluid. These prevent freezing and keep your car running smoothly.
    • Battery health. Cold weather can strain your car battery. Have it checked and replace it if it’s old or showing signs of weakness.
    • Emergency kit. Keep an emergency kit in your car, including items like a blanket, flashlight, jumper cables, and non-perishable snacks in case you get stuck in cold weather.
    • Winter wipers and fluid. Install winter windshield wipers and use a winter-grade windshield washer fluid for better visibility in snow and slush.
    • Drive carefully. This means driving slowly and cautiously on roads that show signs of being slick with ice or snow; and drive carefully when snow or fog cause a lack of visibility.
  • Activities
    • Wear the proper winter gear. If you are going out for the day, make sure you have the appropriate winter attire: insulated hats, gloves, scarves, and jackets, as well as snow boots that can appropriately keep out any snow and wetness.
    • Layer up. If it is very cold out, wear a few layers. This includes a base layer to keep you dry, a middle layer to insulate, and an outer layer to protect from snow and wetness.
    • Recognize frostbite. The Centers for Disease and Prevention Control states that frostbite is “An injury to the body that is caused by freezing, which most often affects the nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, or toes.” The symptoms of frostbite include:
      • Reduced blood flow to hands and feet
      • Numbness
      • Aching
      • Tingling or stinging
      • Bluish or pale, waxy skin
    • Plan ahead. If it’s a short trip or a long trip, it is important to know what sort of day you’re going to have so you can pack appropriately, including the necessary food and water for the day.

By following these tips, you can safeguard your home, your car, and yourself from the challenges and risks that cold weather can bring. It’s a proactive way to ensure comfort, safety, and functionality during winter months.

When you need a Reno injury lawyer

Winter weather can be particularly treacherous, and while taking necessary precautions is essential, there’s always a lingering risk of injury due to someone else’s negligence. Slippery sidewalks and icy roads create hazardous conditions for pedestrians and drivers alike. Negligent property owners failing to clear snow and ice from their premises can lead to dangerous slip and fall accidents. On the roads, drivers who fail to adjust their speed and driving habits for challenging conditions can cause accidents that result in injuries to others. These situations show how important it is for individuals to take care and be safe during the winter. But they also remind us that when someone else is careless and their actions cause harm, they should be held responsible.

Come this winter, if you find yourself injured due to an accident caused by someone’s negligence in the face of cold weather, then you should seek out the help of a personal injury attorney. At Claggett & Sykes, our attorneys have secured millions for victims of vehicle accidents, slip and fall accidents, and other types of neglectful actions that lead to injuries.

If this happens to you (which we hope it doesn’t), contact our personal injury attorneys. We have years of experience here in Reno, and we know the law like the back of our hands. To schedule your free initial consultation, call us or use our online form. We have offices in both Reno and Las Vegas.